Unusual but highly effective: this is why leech therapy returns
How leeches help pain patients:
Treatment of osteoarthritis patients at the Imanuel Hospital Berlin
This form of treatment is one of the most traditional and oldest in medicine. Today's leeches are making a comeback - rightly so, as the diverse application possibilities show. The different mechanisms of action enable the use of medical leeches for a variety of complaints:
- Sprains, strains
- Boils, abscesses, hematomas
- Chronic back pain
- Osteoarthritis in large and small joints e.g. Knee, thumb saddle and ankle
- Joint inflammation, acute and chronic inflammation of the skin, bursa, tendons, muscles, bones e.g. rheumatism, arthritis, tennis and golf arm, limestone shoulder
- varicose vein complaints
- Tinnitus, sudden hearing loss, ringing in the ears, dizziness
- Herpes zoster (shingles)
- Detoxification and relief of the lymphatic system and the drainage organs liver and kidney
- Neck and muscle aches
- Menstrual problems
- Fibroids, fallopian tubes
source: tcmfreiburg.de